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Allen Iverson, the legeondary NBA basketball player, has two tattoos of Chinese character, the first one is “ 忠 ”( zhong) on the neck, it means that loyalty, one of view of value of Chinese nation over hundreds of thousands of years. He said that which means be loyalty to his friends, family and team. And the other one is "仰" (yang), on his left upper arm, it means respect and admire or belief.

















You've probably seen Allen Iverson's tattoos. You've probably wondered, "why the hell does he have so many tattoos? But before you judge him, you should learn what his tattoos mean. The truth is, there's a deeper meaning behind each tattoo. So, before you judge Allen Iverson's character, see what his tattoos represent and what they mean.

When Allen Iverson first came into the NBA, he had only one tattoo from college - it was a bulldog with his nickname, "The Answer". It wasn't until the third season that Iverson decided to get more tattoos (7 in his third year). With the press already criticizing Iverson as rebellious, his tattoos took him to a new level. Incidentally, it was the same time Iverson had a break-out season, becoming the league's top player and taking Philadelphia 76ers to the playoffs for the first time in 8 years.

The truth is, there's a deep meaning behind every one of his tattoos. Every tattoo represents something he believes in, something he has experienced, something he cares about, or even something he wants to tell the world.

Allen Iverson

I couldn't live without tattoos, because they are part of me, my life and my game.


                                                                                  - Allen Iverson

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